Geet Ageet - Hindi

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About the poet :
Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar' (quite evident, "Dinkar" is a title given to him. It means, the one who brings dawn or the sun, in general)
(23 September 1908 – 24 April 1974) was an Indian Hindi poet, essayist, patriot and academic, who is considered as one of the most important modern Hindi poets. He emerged as a poet of rebellion during the Indian Indepednence movement and many of his poems have "Veer Rasa" or the element of Valour and honour. 
Many of poems are still a household recitation in India. 

So, here is one my favourites from Dinkar's collections, 
"geet ageet kaun sundar hai" (Who is more beautiful - Songs with sound or Songs of within?)

And As I could not find any 
source with apt translation of each phrase an verse, I've tried to do so myself. So, All The best with me!!!!!

Geet Ageet Kaun Sundar Hain? ....Ramdhari Singh "Dinkar"

गाकर गीत विरह के तटिनी            The river is singing the songs of separation, and
वेगवती बहती जाती है,                     Flowing with her energy
दिल हलका कर लेने को                In order to lighten her heart
उपलों से कुछ कहती जाती है।         She keeps on having a word with the pebbles that lie along
तट पर एक गुलाब सोचता              The rose that sits on her bank wonders
“देते स्वर यदि मुझे विधाता,                  Had thee given me voice
अपने पतझर के सपनों का             I would too have sung the songs of autumn 
मैं भी जग को गीत सुनाता।“             To the world
गा गाकर बह रही निर्झरी,              The one who flows flows with her songs ringing everywhere
पाटल मूक खड़ा तट पर है।             While the one with petals mutely stands by her
गीत, अगीत, कौन सुंदर है?           What is hence beautiful - Melody or Silence?

बैठा शुक उस घनी डाल पर          The Parrot sits on the branch with many leaves
जो खोंते को छाया देती।                        And this branch provides shade to his nest below
पंख फुला नीचे खोंते में                   With her feathers spread out in the nest below,
शुकी बैठ अंडे है सेती।                 Sits the she-parrot warming her eggs
गाता शुक जब किरण वसंती            The parrot begins to sing as soon as dawn hits the sky
छूती अंग पर्ण से छनकर।                And the spring rays are filtered by his feathers into the nest
किंतु, शुकी के गीत उमड़कर         But the songs of the she-parrot only turn up in her heart
रह जाते सनेह में सनकर।                 They are absorbed in her love for her children
गूँज रहा शुक का स्वर वन में,                     While the songs of the parrot echoes in the wild
फूला मग्न शुकी का पर है।            It is the heart of the she-parrot that is truly warm today
गीत, अगीत, कौन सुंदर है?          Who's more charming? Melody or warm silence?

दो प्रेमी हैं यहाँ, एक जब           Two lovers are here,in these woods, when one of them
बड़े साँझ आल्‍हा गाता है,                      At the break of Evening, begins to sing his heart
पहला स्‍वर उसकी राधा को          And his first melody draws his lover 
घर से यहाँ खींच लाता है।             Here from her home
चोरी-चोरी खड़ी नीम की             Hidden, in the shades of Neem
छाया में छिपकर सुनती है,          She hears him sing
‘हुई न क्‍यों मैं कड़ी गीत की        "Why could I not be a beat in this song
बिधना’, यों मन में गुनती है।        O  my lord?" she wonders
वह गाता, पर किसी वेग से    Though the song is being sung by him in these woods; 
फूल रहा इसका अंतर है।        But her heart is glowing and warming with great intensity
गीत, अगीत, कौन सुन्‍दर है?      Tell me, Which is more ecstatic - Melody of outside or of within? 

Image result for river and a rose


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